Category Archives: Miscellaneous

All Holiday Sessions 2024

********Breaking News! Holiday Sessions are LIVE!******

We are so excited to bring back the popular Family Holiday Sessions in 2024 and The Santa Experience” along with a NEW AND EXCITING SESSION…. Petite Santa Sessions!

All holiday sessions 2024 will have their own unique experience and will be the perfect way to document your holidays with memories, cards, gifts and/or just plain FUN!  Choose the session that fits your needs best.

This years 2024 SET …. A Golden Holiday 2024 is gorgeous and is the perfect way to document the holidays!  Keeping it classic and elegant and keeping the focus on your memories! 

Family Holiday Sessions

Sunday, November 17, 2024 Santa not your “jam” or the kids are to old… then the “Family Holiday Sessions” will be perfect for you! 

These quickly moving sessions keeps dads happy with a cool studio (no under the arm sweat stains!). The kids will be happy with a surprise gift bag and snacks to go. And of course moms  get the memories which they are trying to hold on to.  To know more click on ‘Detailed Information’, or if ready click on ‘Grab your spot and Register’.

Family Sessions WITH “The Santa Experience”

Saturday, November 16, 2024 Do you love having family pictures but also want the private experience of Santa for your kids?

You will LOVE the Family Sessions with “The Santa Experience” added on at the end. Combine family memories with finding the magic of Santa will be your highlight for the holiday season with these sessions.

The kids won’t stop talking about their private visit and the fun they had during their time together. The images and memories from these sessions are unmatched! To know more click on ‘Detailed Information’, or if ready click on ‘Grab your spot and Register’.

Petite Santa Sessions

Sunday, December 8, 2024 Want your kids to have an incredible experience with Santa and have it documented with priceless images that will sit on the mantle each year? 

Our NEWEST sessions – Petite Santa Sessions will be exactly what you are looking for! To know more click on ‘Detailed Information’, or if ready click on ‘Grab your spot and Register’.

Grab your spot NOW! Spaces are LIMITED!  Each session has its own day and popular times slots always fill first (Helpful hint – make sure to try to plan around nap time if you have little ones that nap.)

We look forward to celebrating the holiday season with you and your families.

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Family Holiday Sessions 2024

Family Holiday Sessions 2024

Each set is unique and is designed specifically for the TGP studio holiday sessions. “A Golden Holiday” is the perfect set to showcase your family memories while keeping your family the “star of the show” in Family Holiday Session 2024! The classic, elegant accents will highlight your memories and  give you the perfect holiday images to show off to friends and family!
Tracy and her team are pro’s at keeping kids and dad’s happy (IYKYK! LOL!) and providing an experience that moves quickly for the kids and dad’s but gives mom’s the memories she’s looking for! 
Each session is 15 minutes easily giving enough time for family, siblings and individual pictures of the kids. 
These sessions will include the following
  • The use of the TGP custom designed set
  • The experience and talent of Tracy and her assistants
  • Snacks to go
  • A private on line gallery to view pictures
  • Special gift bag for each child
  • Option to add on additional packages
  • and a few fun little surprises

We would LOVE to see you there!  For more information, to lock in pricing and times and to register click on Family Holiday Sessions 2024.

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Family Holiday Session 2024 With the Santa Experience

Family Holiday Session 2024 With
🎅🏼 The Santa Experience🎅🏼

Join us for the most magical holiday family pictures with the Santa experience!  Avoid the heat and enjoy a nice cool studio for family pictures, siblings and individual pictures of the kids and then… just when your kiddos are least expecting it…. Santa arrives bringing magical joy and private time with just your family!  The children can play a fun game with him, dance, look through a book or maybe even throw a snowball or 2! Then take a few minute to chat with him and tell him exactly what they would love for Santa to bring them for Christmas!

The set for this year is “A Golden Holiday” and reflects the TGP style from all previous years with classic, simple and elegant touches to keep the families and children the center of attention.  Register now for first choice of times and to lock in pricing.

Each session is 20 minutes easily giving enough time for family, siblings and individual pictures of the kids and… The Santa Experience.  These sessions will include the following

  • The use of the TGP custom designed set
  • The experience and talent of Tracy and her assistants
  • Snacks to go
  • A private on line gallery to view pictures
  • 5 digital files of your choice
  • Option to add on additional packages
  • and a few fun little surprises

Also including The Santa Experience

  • Private time with an experienced Santa
  • Depending on participation of child(ren) a fun activity with Santa
  • A special gift from Santa
  • Name on the “Nice List”
  • Cookies from Santa to go or maybe even enjoy together

For more information and to lock in times and pricing click on Family Holiday Session 2024 With the Santa Experience.

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Holiday Sessions 2021 are HERE!!!

Holiday Sessions 2021 are finally here and ready for registration!!!!  I am so excited to finally bring you the TGP Holiday Experience!  This years set, like all years, sparkles with just enough holiday to celebrate and yet still keeps the focus on your family and kids. 

About the set

The set is designed to go with all clothing choices and is for families (one family per registration) or just the kiddo’s!  These session make family holiday sessions EASY!  QUICK in and out but still with more than enough time for updated holiday photos. NO choosing of clothes based on set colors. All colors look great! Even dads love them because they are in a nice cool studio and there are snacks and drinks for everyone. 

The photos are just for example there will be more details added to this set for a final production.

What is special this year

This year will be the first year that you can add The Santa Experience.  Last year was a trail run with Santa and it was such a hit that we brought it back and we are giving it a few more bonuses to help create a real “experience” for the children to celebrate with Santa.  If you choose to add The Santa Experience (highly recommended based on last years results) you will receive a bonus questionnaire for Santa to have so that he can have real interaction with your child about their pets at home, their Elf on the Shelf and some other fun things to chat about. 

There will  be a gift from Santa for your child to open and a few other surprises also!  This will truly be a magical experience for your child.  It will not be a rushed 2 minutes in the mall with crowds all around and an impersonal experience with Santa.  This will be a time to remember and it will all be captured in portraits for you to cherish forever!  

Event Details and Registration

We can’t wait to see you! For more info about holiday sessions and packages, to pick your date and time and to register please click the links below:

We can’t wait to see you at TGP Studio for Holiday Sessions 2021!

For more info about holiday sessions and packages, to pick your date and time and to register please click the links below:

Holiday Session Give Away 2021

Holiday Session

It’s that time of year again!! Each year we give away an early holiday session and we use that special family’s images to show off the new set for that year! And this year, although we are getting a little bit of a late start but we are excited to do it again so if you are are interested in being considered for this special opportunity or you know someone who might be interested, please fill out the ‘Holiday Session Give Away Form‘ OR share this post so another special family can be considered. 

Requirements Give Away 2021

Below are a few requirements in order to be considered for the holiday session give away:

  1. Tracy is looking for a family with mom, dad and 1 or 2 children ages 1 and up.
  2. Though the session will last only about an hour but because the time has not been determined yet, the family MUST be available on Thursday, September 30th between 9:30 am – 2:00 pm.
  3. Family/kids must be okay with Santa being a part of the session. Santa will not be in all of the pictures but he will participate in some.
  4. Must be willing to follow wardrobe advice from Tracy.  She may even provide some wardrobe depending on the situation.
  5. MUST be willing to sign a model release for all participants.
  6. MUST be a fun family! 🙂

If you are interested or know someone who is please share this post with them OR fill out ‘Holiday Session Give Away Form‘ yourself for you own family. 

Here are some fun images of holiday session sets from previous years!  Stay tuned to see this years amazing set!   Its TOP SECRET right now! LOL!

Holiday Session - TGP Photography Holiday Session - TGP Photography Holiday Session - TGP Photography Holiday Session - TGP Photography Holiday Session - TGP Photography Holiday Session - TGP Photography

To check out more of Tracy’s Photography work click on Facebook and her other social pages links at the top of the page .

Summer Session Give Away!!


Summer is coming and I want to be creative with some give aways. What does that mean?

It means that 6 lucky families/individuals will be the recipients of a complimentary session that could include professional hair and make up for mom or participating woman! Tracy will select (2) per month for June, July and August! The sessions can be ANY of these types of sessions;⁠

1. Family (with any age children)⁠
2. Newborn⁠
3. First Birthday (or other “milestone” session)⁠
4. BRANDING or Headshot session⁠
5. Women’s beauty session (not boudoir) i.e. having a milestone birthday (30, 40, 50 etc…), divorce, new job, or just want to celebrate “you” with beautiful portraits!⁠
6. Maternity
7. High School Seniors

If you are interested or know someone who might be send them here and have them  fill out this form and send email it back. Tracy will select the families/individuals based on her needs for the session. ⁠ 

Expectations from Sibling at Newborn Session

Expectations from sibling at the newborn session!

I was so excited to see this sweet family back at the studio with their SECOND baby in less than 2 years!  It makes my heart so happy to have families return to me. And, to capture such a special time and being able to see their now “oldest” grow and see how sibling interacts with the newborn bay is always so much fun.  

Anytime families schedule a session with a baby and sibling it is important that we have a chat before their session about expectations for the older sibling and of course the baby.  Any of my families that have had sibling newborn sessions with me know that it can be a bit of a circus getting those precious images. But they are SO worth it!  But that’s for a whole other blog post! 🙂 

This particular little guy was a little bit afraid of his new baby.  He was interested from a distance but did not have ANY interest in even sitting next to him.  I have several tricks that almost always work but this little guy didn’t fall for ANY of them! LOL!  He was MUCH smarter than me! So- on the VERY rare occasion that I have a little one that won’t even go near his/her new baby we use photoshop! :). sibling-newborn-session-tgp-4

Expectations from Sibling at Newborn photo session Expectations from Sibling at Newborn photo session Expectations from Sibling at Newborn photo session

When all else fails

I LOVE that mom and dad can have their first professional pictures done and have pictures of BOTH of their “babies” in the same frame.  This doesn’t happen often (most of the time my “tricks of the trade” work but when all else fails I can resort to photoshop.  

It is always best to do sibling and family first then the older siblings can leave with dad or another family member.  

Then its time for “just baby”.  This little one was born right before Christmas so we had to include a holiday image for him.  He looks so sweet in this little Santa hat.  

But most importantly getting those traditional newborn images is what makes mommy’s heart sing!  These pictures will be cherished forever and these babies will love looking at their printed images in their home for many years to come!  

To enjoy new photos visit us at our Facebook page.
Check out Photo Gallery to see more photos of newborns, children and families by Tracy.

Safety Precautions for Covid-19

Safety Precautions for Covid-19

I want you to know that we take the health of our families very seriously.  We are taking all precautions possible to make sure the studio is safe from Covid-19 for all families.  Here are just a few of the things we will be doing to ensure safety for our families …


covid-19 safety

We will communicate before your session about your feelings moving forward with scheduling.  We will talk about the below safety precautions in the studio or on location.  I will confirm that no one participating in the session as had any viral symptoms in the last 14 days.  Upon entering the studio, each family will be asked to sign a form that says they have not had any symptoms of Covid 19.

Hand Washing

The Importance Of Global Handwashing Day

 Upon entering the studio all family members will be asked to wash their hands.  There will also be hand sanitizer readily available to be used at anytime during the session.  I will also be washing my hands thoroughly before, during (if needed) and after each session.


covid-19 safety

You are welcome to bring your own masks but Tracy will have them also.  She will be happy to wear one during your session if you prefer.  She will also have them available for you if you prefer to wear them.


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Disposable gloves will also be available.  Tracy will happy to wear them if you prefer.  You will also be welcome to use them if you prefer.



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You will be asked to remove your shoes while in the studio.  If you will be wearing them for your session, you will put them on to wear in the shooting area and then asked to remove them for the other areas of the studio.  The floors will be disinfected after each session.

Family and session frequency

Safety Precautions for Covid-19

Until further notice, only immediate family members will be allowed in the studio.  Only those participating in the session.  ALSO-  for now, sessions will be scheduled every 3 days.  Although the studio will be disinfected thoroughly after each session this will ensure an extra measure of precaution.

Studio Cleaning

covid-19 safety

 After each session the studio will be disinfected with medical grade disinfectant and all wraps, props or wardrobe clothes borrowed will be washed and disinfected.


I hope all of these precautions will help you feel safe and comfortable before, during and after your session.  If you still have concerns and would like to chat about covid-19 or anything with Tracy you are welcome to reach out.  She is happy to address your concerns and reschedule or postpone your session if you are more comfortable doing so. 

A peek inside a session with Tracy Gabbard Photography

Peek Inside TGP

I am so excited to share a real sneak peek inside a session with ME at the Tracy Gabbard Photography studio! It showcases what the real experience when you choose Tracy to capture the most important time in your life.  Wether a new baby, a milestone session or a family session Tracy strives to give you not only custom created albums and wall art that will last a life time BUT ALSO an amazing experience.  She wants you to walk away with your heart full and with your home full of the joy of your family.   It took many hours of hard work, a WONDERFUL family and a talented videographer Shannon Kelly to pull it all off! It will now grace the home page of my website Check it out when you have a chance! But for now… here it is!

*Disclaimer…. we did this peek inside video BEFORE social distancing. So, if you are uncomfortable meeting in the studio for consult we can do it via video until this all passes! :). We are enrolling families, children and babies for summer months. If our situation does not change with the virus dangers all prepaid money will be refunded if cancelled because of COVID-19.

NO Corona Virus at the Photography Studio

NO Corona Virus at My Photography Studio

It’s crazy out there!  We all want to say “NO Corona“. I understand, we are all concerned about so many aspects of this new virus and how it might effect our lives, health, finances and even on an entertainment level as more and more things are being cancelled we worry about tickets we have purchased and vacations we have planned. 

For those mommy’s expecting a baby or with small children they have even one more worry.  BUT I am here to tell you… “Don’t worry TGP mommy’s, I have you covered in at the photography studio“!  We are taking ALL precautions at the TGP Photography studio. We are stepping up our game even more that normal to make sure that if your baby or children are in the studio we are PREPARED and doing everything possible to ensure your families health. 

To Stay Safe

Here are a few things that we are doing (some of them we do anyway, all the time) to help make sure we all stay healthy!

  1. LOW volume!  My studio is ALWAYS a low volume studio.  I choose to not take on too many sessions per month to make sure I have enough time to devote to my clients and my family at home.  I DO NOT have many families in and out of the studio ever!  and rarely have 2 sessions in one day (in the studio at least).  Right now I will GUARANTEE at least 3 days between studio sessions in order to keep TGP photography studio sessions health.  Even if that means pushing a newborn session a couple days past when I would normally schedule them.  It looks like many news sources are sharing that this virus lasts up to about 3 days on surfaces.  So that will hopefully ensure that any germs that may have been left after disinfecting will also be gone!

2. DISINFECTING everything after every session!  We always do this anyway but we will be much more vigilant now.  Wiping down furniture and disinfecting floors.  Thankfully the studio is VERY simple so there is not much to disinfect!  We also use safe disinfectant that is not harmful to the environment to say “No Corona” to the virus!  BONUS!!!

3. WASHING all laundry!  Again – this something we ALWAYS do after every session.  Anything a baby or anyone uses gets washed.  We also use safe, non toxic laundry detergent to ensure your baby doesn’t have any reactions to any blankets or wraps that their delicate skin may touch.

4. DOGS – We love to welcome dogs to sessions with their new babies but at this time we will not be able to schedule any sessions with fur babies!  It is just to risky to any other families that may be headed into the studio, even if it is 3-4 days later.  We will let you know once we are able to welcome them back!  We will certainly miss them!

5. PLAY AREA – We have a nice little area with toys and things for children to do in the studio.  Until further notice we will remove the toys from this area.  We will ask families to bring in some small baskets of toys from their home to help keep the kids busy while they wait.  This is just to ensure that children are not playing with toys that other families children have played with.  This will also keep us from worrying that we missed something when disinfecting them.

6. GLOVES AND MASKS – We always have hand sanitizer out in the studio and I use it frequently when working with newborns but I will also have gloves and masks (until they run out LOL!) available for myself and any moms and dads that would like to use them.  I will also use them during your session by request.  I have NO problem doing this to help ensure your confidence!

7. SCREENING.  All clients will be contacted with in 24 hours of their session to make sure no one is exhibiting any symptoms of any type of sickness.  Most families are very respectful of this normally and reach out to let me know if they or their babies are not 100%.  However, I will be reaching out personally just to make sure we are all on the same page.

8. CHANGE – you are welcome to change your studio newborn session to an in home session!  This may give you a different look and feel to your session but we can do so and it will be just as beautiful as a studio session. If that is something you are interested in just let me know and we can talk about it!

I hope this helps reassure any families that already have a session scheduled or are thinking about it but are unsure because of any reason or particularly the corona virus that we are taking every precaution to say “No Corona” to the virus, and more to keep our studio a HEALTHY studio!  Please reach out if you have any questions!

New Beginnings Plan (NBP)- A baby with her best friend

New Beginnings Plan (NBP)

I have been blessed to see this family for the entire year!  They are members of the popular New Beginnings Plan (NBP), the TGP’s 1 year baby plan.  We have planned their session for the entire first year.  Each of their sessions will be unique with each one including something different.  Their fur baby, each set of grandparents at different sessions and I “think” the fur baby will come back for the first year session!  The New Beginnings Plan includes a minimum of 3 sessions but more can be added for no additional session fee.  They chose to add a 4th session.  This session is what I call a “heads up” session.  It happens around 3-4 months of age when they are holding their heads up really well on their own and smiling at their favorite people. 

They have chosen to do the New Beginnings Plan album.  An album that will build throughout the these sessions and will be printed and delivered after the last session.  They are also building a wall gallery that will include a favorite wall print from each session.  We have 1 more session left and I am excited to design their album!  I will make sure to show it to you when it comes in!  

Here are some favorites from her newborn session with her best friend and a few more I couldn’t leave out!New Beginnings Plan - TGP's 1 year baby plan  New Beginnings Plan - TGP's 1 year baby plan  New Beginnings Plan - TGP's 1 year baby plan  New Beginnings Plan - TGP's 1 year baby plan 

Here are a few favorites from her “heads up” session.  I am so jealous that I did not get professional pictures of my babies with their grandparents!  What a special memory for not only mom and dad but baby too!

New Beginnings Plan - TGP's 1 year baby plan  tgp-newborn-photography-750A9463 tgp-newborn-photography-750A9496 tgp-newborn-photography-collage-1-1 tgp-newborn-photography-collage-2

Last but not least… here is a sneak peak of her first year wall gallery design on their actual wall!  We add a piece to it from each session.  I can not wait to see the final outcome!tgp-photography-Fredrich-wall-gallery-blog

To enjoy new photos visit us at our Facebook page.

Holiday Session Experience 2019

Time goes so fast and it is already time to start planning for your holiday session pictures! We are ready to reveal this years set experience, dates and times and registration is open NOW! 🙂 .

Holiday Session sets of this year will not only be VERY family friendly but as always, a fun experience! Great for kids and adults! Plan to get your winter coats, scarves and boots out to have a great time in the SNOW!!! Not only will your kids have fun in what feels like real snow but the portraits created from this set will be one of a kind and perfect for updated holiday pictures and cards.

Limited Edition SNOWFALL sessions!

  • Holiday Pictures - Holiday Session 2019 - Snowball Session
  • Holiday Pictures - Holiday Session 2019 - Snowball Session
  • Holiday Pictures - Holiday Session 2019 - Snowball Session
  • Holiday Pictures - Holiday Session 2019 - Snowball Session
  • Holiday Pictures - Holiday Session 2019 - Snowball Session
  • Holiday Pictures - Holiday Session 2019 - Snowball Session

These holiday sessions are beautifully lit with holiday tree lights, lanterns and SNOW! The set is designed to be simple and classic! All about the families and the winter season! All colors will look great here complete with holiday dress or simple casual looks work perfectly also! Tracy has a Pinterest board with many wardrobe ideas to help out with any questions! (Tracy DOES NOT recommend heels for girls or moms for this set- the snow is slippery, boots or other types of shoes will be best)

SNOWFALL holiday sessions are 20 minutes. The perfect amount of time for dads and kids! LOL! This gives just enough time for family (if all members are participating), siblings and the kiddos alone! This experiences will be for ONE weekend! Early bird special on Friday, Nov. 8th and regular sessions on Saturday November 9th and Sunday November 10th!

For more details and pricing click HERE….

Are you ready to reserve your 2019 SNOWFALL experience? Happening ONLY ONE weekend in November!


Click here to reserve your spot..

Tracy Gabbard Photography in a Nutshell

Tracy Gabbard Photography Studio in Clearwater, Fl

One of the best places for the Family to portray the most valuable memories.

This year has been filled with beautiful memories. Starting off with Newborns, Babies, Families, Children, Couples and special events such as Birthdays, Graduations and more memorable moments.

Tracy Gabbard Photography is, that local business concept that offers a high-end product and great quality Photography for you and your family. We are proud to serve you and enlighten your day with heartwarming photographs of your loved ones.

Tracy Gabbard has more than a decade of experience with both Photography and Children. Being a mother herself, she knows the best way to handle Newborns with confidence and safety. Tracy has a wonderful gift to visualize the little ones in the best poses and create a beautiful composition. 

All these are reasons as to why Tracy Gabbard Photography is above all, a place where families can trust to get the best quality Photography in the Tampa Bay area. She offers a variety of Photography Packages to make the sessions smooth and fun and she is able to print them in a variety of special featured products such as classic luxe photo albums, canvas, and floating canvases, and also beautiful clear boxes to keep the prints from being damaged. 

During the session that we are showing you today, we gather a few of the most popular concepts. Celebrating the First Birthday for this little one, a Family photo, portraits, creative props, and of course, some Cake Smashing! 

Start this new year with wonderful positive vibes, and remember that Tracy is always happy to answer any questions you might have, contact her anytime for information about Photo Sessions and ideas. 

We hope you’ve had a marvelous year, and we hope to continue to steal smiles with our galleries and photos.

Happy New Year!

Check out this Outdoor Holiday Session!

Time to get outside with this Outdoor Holiday Session! 

We’ve been showing you a lot of beautiful Photography Sessions at Tracy Gabbard’s studio in the Clearwater area.

The Silver Bells collection, was absolutely gorgeous this year, and she was able to share a great time with families wearing their Holiday outfits. Beautiful dresses, silly poses, gift opening, and reading were some of the highlights on each Silver Bells Photography Session.

Today, we want to bring you a different one. This was an outdoor Holiday Session, for a young family member. A very casual and fresh look. Of course full of seasonal flowers in the background. They give a warm tone to the canvas. 

This was definitely a different day outside the studio. Full of color and vibrant tones, Tracy found shiny tree lights and included them in the background, for a pretty effect. 

Overall, a nice walk in the park with his favorite pets. Two beautiful dogs that were enjoying the natural surroundings. The nice breeze and weather outside made this a very easy, smooth session. 

The year is about to end and it has been a wonderful one. Filled with Newborns, Families and lovely Couples. Each year, Tracy becomes closer to every family and start a journey together to portray the most important moments in life. Love, growth, and milestones.

This new year promises to surprise with wonderful, lovely sets, events and most importantly, adorable babies! We can’t wait to fill up your feed with heartwarming babies and cute props to steal a reaction from you!

It’s still not too late for a last minute session. We know the Holiday season can be as busy as any other important time of the year. Tracy is always happy to help schedule a free consultation appointment to discuss details about your next session!

Contact Tracy (Tampa Newborn Photographer)

+10 Family Holiday Sessions in Tampa Bay ♥

It’s time for Family Holiday Sessions! 

Tracy Gabbard worked so hard these past weeks to shoot the Limited Edition Holiday Sessions this year.

Her Photography Studio in Clearwater was set up with a beautiful silver theme.

Silver Bells is the theme for this year. Bringing families together for a heartwarming photo session. It is that time of the year to be together!

Featuring a beautiful Christmas tree, decorated with silver and shiny ornaments, and the word “BELIEVE” as the motivation to continue to bring hope and positivity to our lives.

Many families and couples showed up with their little ones for a beautiful portrait. Many stood out with strong colors such as red and black and others with silver, blending in with the set!

Plus two beautiful little ones wearing the same outfit! If you take a look, you’ll see their little shows match the set, perfectly! 

This photograph is an adorable representation of the family bonding and it’s such a beautiful portrait! 

With the help of Tracy’s editing skills, these little ones were able to pose for a magical effect on this photograph, and it blends fantastically with reality. 

This little girl is wearing a beautiful red headpiece and her outfit definitely stands out!

Another family together, and posing by the Christmas tree. Matching outfits with the set. Such a beautiful combination.

|Kid’s favorite time of the year: opening gifts. It’s the beauty of innocence and purity. This photograph is a representation of what it means to believe. 

Opening gifts together during this Family Holiday Sessions, the high-end quality photography offered by Tracy Gabbard is meant to portray beautiful moments like this forever. It’s a nice memory to go back to as the little ones grow up.

The Holidays are all about smiles, togetherness, and bonding. 

And because not everything is serious! Here is the mandatory silly pose! 

8 Adorable Babies From A Baby Photographer in Tampa Bay

Tracy Gabbard is a great Baby Photographer in Tampa Bay!

Today we will provide you with your daily cuteness overload with these 10 adorable photographs from different families. 

Highlighting their expressions and keeping the elegant style in the canvas, Tracy captures very sharp photos for her clients. 

She is a passionate Baby Photographer in Tampa Bay, therefore, she takes care of her local clients like they were family.

Just take a look at this beautiful photograph, you can see the details of this baby’s little fingers. Naturally, it’s all thanks to Tracy’s professional technique and creativity. 

Babies have the purest innocence ever found in humanity. This beautiful baby is holding onto the mother’s shoulder. It’s the safest place on earth. Just an example of the infinite ideas and poses for Photo Sessions that can be achieved in the Studio.

Props and outfits are very important as well. The colors this little one is wearing for this photograph, go perfectly with the creamy skin tone. It’s a warm composition.

Feet close-ups are the top favorite for the Newborn Photography Sessions as well! They are so tiny and soft. It is a must for every parent to have a nice photo of the baby’s feet. Since they are always growing, keeping a photo of their smallest size is a great moment to capture.

This beautiful baby is just having the most fun at the Studio. Wearing a handmade prop, turning into a cozy bear. The fabric colors go perfectly with the skin tone and they blend smoothly for a creamy finish. 

Last, but not least, Tracy Gabbard is an excellent Photographer. Therefore, Don’t forget to subscribe to our Newsletter by clicking on this link. Remember that you can always contact her for a free consultation about any questions you might have! 

Contact Tracy (Tampa Newborn Photographer)

Giving Is Better Than Receiving ~ Tracy Gabbard Featured Products

Give more this year with Tracy Gabbard Featured Products

The Holiday season is all about giving! It’s so exciting to see a smile on the face of someone you love when you give a gift.

Good energy flows through you everytime you give. The best gifts ideas you could give a family are Photo Sessions, Float Frames, Framed Canvases, Gallery Wraps, Luxe Albums, Glass Proof Boxes, and many other custom-made products. 

Surprise your significant other with a Family Photography Session, or a beautiful print of your baby! There are so many great ideas for gifts this season!

In this digital era, it’s so easy to take beautiful photos and store them in your phone or a storage device. But it really makes a difference when you take the time to print them out and hang that favorite pic on the wall!

Tracy offers the cutest Glass Proof Boxes to keep those prints intact from dust. They are durable and a perfect gift idea. Tracy Gabbard Featured Products are another reason why she stands out as a top photographer in the Tampa Bay area.

Her work is elegant and classy. Along with her high-end quality Photography work, the final product is as great as the photos themselves.

Tracy loves bonding with her clients. The Photography Sessions become a fun memory in the hearts of every family that steps in her Studio in Clearwater, Fl.

Her studio is filled with natural lighting. It is a peaceful and quiet place, perfect to capture the best photos of Newborns and Families in general. Here are some of the props she likes to use.

Don’t let the Holidays go by without surprising your significant other or maybe just yourself with a meaningful gift! 

Tracy is more than happy to help with any questions you might have, don’t hesitate to contact her.

Contact Tracy (Tampa Newborn Photographer)


Can You Guess What Tracy’s Favorite Color Is for Newborn Photography?

It’s no secret. Tracy Gabbard loves Newborn Photography.

Today we are taking you back to basics. And you probably guessed right.

Firstly, “White” is Tracy’s favorite color for Newborn Photography sessions. And it is for many reasons.

White is elegant, full of light and it portrays purity and cleanliness. It is used for many reasons to give a fresh and harmonious feeling to any photo session.

Tracy has been a Newborn Photographer for over a decade now. She has a special ability to capture the most heartwarming photographs of the youngest members of the family.

Tracy knows how important this event is in the life of every expecting family. It makes her feel proud to have the opportunity to be the Photographer to capture the first years in the newborn’s life.

Families come back all the time to capture the different stages. Tracy usually offers a special package that is only available for local families in the Tampa Bay area. The First Year photography sessions.


With this plan, families have the opportunity to capture photos of their babies during their first year of life, and the results are amazing.

It’s impressive how much they change in a single year.

Sometimes, families have their best friend in the studio as well. This lovely dog matches the set. They bring a warm touch to the canvas and overall laughter to the sessions.

Newborn Photography is an investment for your family.

Tracy not only offers digital photographs but also, custom-made products such as framed canvases, floating canvases, and high-quality albums to keep those valuable memories for a lifetime. 


Contact Tracy today for more information

Contact Tracy (Tampa Newborn Photographer)






Top Color Choices For Holiday Photography Sessions

The Holiday Photography Sessions continue! 

The top colors for any Holiday Photography Sessions are without a doubt Red, Green, and Silver! Especially Silver!

Even though the TGP Limited Edition Holiday Sessions are coming to an end, remember you still have a chance.  This Saturday 11/24/18 is the last chance to schedule a very special Holiday Session with Tracy.


Today we bring you a couple of beautiful photographs Tracy has taken in the past years. 

This beautiful Newborn baby was dressed up in a delicate Santa Claus costume. Maybe to be part of Santa’s fabric and bring gifts to all well-behaved kids around the world! 

Tracy performs with such delicacy when it comes to Newborns. Besides being her passion, she enjoys capturing their facial expressions and in this case, the details in the blanket that is covering the newborn. She has the ability to make her stand out and show a beautiful yet delicate flower on the forehead.

In this special occasion, during a Holiday Photography Session, Tracy had the opportunity to have parents that love animal print, and mixing it with Holiday colors, they created this creative look. Such a lovely, wild one! 


Tracy has the unique talent to safely handle Newborns and the tiniest babies that come into her studio in Clearwater, Fl. She has a special ability to lay them on their best angle to show every detail. In this last picture, you can see the newborn’s toes and fingers, as well as the peaceful expression on the face. 

The year is about to end and this is definitely the best time to capture beautiful, unique memories with Tracy Gabbard. 

Holiday Photography Sessions are only available this time of the year.

Remember there is still one more chance to have this year’s limited edition Silver Bells Collection for your family.


Contact Tracy (Tampa Newborn Photographer)



The Holiday Sessions Are Here!

Oh my goodness! The Holiday Sessions are here!

It has been a wonderful start for the Holiday Sessions at Tracy Gabbard’s Photography Studio in Clearwater, Fl. 


Tracy has been the busiest these past weeks! In other words, amazing! 

So many wonderful families getting together at the studio to shoot her very Limited Edition Holiday Sessions of this year, 2018. 

This year’s set is called Silver Bells and we cannot wait to show you the very best photographs of the year.

Tracy is working really hard behind scenes, shooting and editing them to make every single family the happiest. 


Even though the Registration for this year was supposed to be gone by now, the demand is too high!

Tracy decided to give the LAST CHANCE for these spectacular sessions and it will be taking place for the LAST TIME on 11/24/18 

There are only 6 more spots and we guarantee they will fill up in the blink of an eye!


We just wanted to show you some seasonal photographs from past years, it’s always good to make you smile with these wonderful babies.



There is something very special about the Holidays, they are meant to bring the family together.

It is also the perfect excuse to dress up in red, green, gold, silver and shiny, bright colors. 



Red is definitely one of the most popular colors for the Holiday Sessions, everyone loves red!

The photo sessions are filled with laughter and great moments that will be unforgettable for every family. 



Tracy loves sharing these amazing experience with every family.

They are always coming back every year, giving an amazing chance for the creation of fun collages.

It is definitely a creative and fun environment and in other words, don’t hesitate and reserve your spot now before it is too late.


You could be the lucky winner of this Holiday Session

There is a new set design every year, every set is unique and classic creating the most desirable holiday cards and portraits for families!



The WINNER will be announced on October 1st!


Every year there is a different set and they are all unique. This makes the Holiday Sessions a one in a lifetime opportunity and experience.


It’s the best time of the year to bring the family together in a heartwarming session with a Christmas theme to bring the holiday spirit to everyone’s hearts! 



These are some examples from different sets, this year will be a surprise! Just like every year. You could be the winner for a totally free Holiday Session at Tracy’s Gabbard Studio in her Clearwater natural lighting studio.



Check out our Instagram and Facebook posts to know how to participate

It’s very easy!






One Of The Cutest Family Photography Sessions In Tampa Bay With Tracy Gabbard ♥

Oh my goodness!

These babies are the happiest babies in town.



This time, we have one of the happiest families at the studio!



Tracy Gabbard and her photography studio in the Tampa Bay area bring you this super cute set from a very special Sitting Up session with this lovely family.



Mom, Dad, and older and younger brother are together in the studio and it was such a fun time. Tracy is one of the best photographers in the area for Family Photography and she offers a variety of services such as Newborn photography, Maternity photography and many more.



Our little one is captivating us with his beautiful smile on every photograph. We have the classic white charged canvas, expressing a soft, clean photograph that can make any room look wonderful with any of Tracy’s featured prints on floating or framed canvases.



Check out these classic and lovely family pictures where you can see them smiling and happy, it’s a picture that reflects one of those moments in life when everything aligns for the perfect photo!



And of course, older and younger brother with matching clothes, they look too cute! Tracy always makes sure to match and compliment the colors in the canvases, the use of gray here is important because it makes their skin tone stand out and the floor gets lost in the background, creating a very clean canvas.



One of the favorite pictures here, featuring the mother and younger brother, you can see her swinging and holding him right at the moment when he looks at the camera. The expression in his eyes denotes how happy he is, and you can feel how strong the love is.



And of course, we love to share all these adventures in the studio and the journey when babies are learning to sit up, one of the first achievements in any baby’s life. 


Contact Tracy (Tampa Newborn Photographer)

Tracy Gabbard’s Photography Investment Featured Products!

Tracy is more than happy to announce her exclusive products for your walls, custom items and photo albums to keep the most valuable memories forever.

Tracy is passionate about creating wall art, legacy albums and personalized keepsakes for her families. Although she believes digital files are important for archival purposes her mission is to guide you through the process of enjoying your treasures in your home and not on your computer. That is why she will assist you at your gallery reveal to help you design the perfect products for your home.

Tracy works with the best materials to ensure a high-end finish for every family that comes to the studio looking to capture the most cherished memories.

She offers a variety of options such as Float Frames, Framed Canvases, Gallery Wraps, Luxe Albums, Glass Proof Boxes and many other custom made products. 

Create an unique look with float frames, framed canvases and gallery wraps.

Luxe albums to keep those memories forever.

Beautiful Glass Proof Box to keeps all your proofs safe but elegantly displayed.

Within our time on earth, there will be a lot of moments that are going to be important and valuable but there will only be a few moments in life that mark a before and after a new chapter in life. Moments such as falling in love, getting married, pregnancy and the beautiful arrival of a son or a daughter are crucial moments in the life of any human being. Tracy knows this and this is why she dedicates her career to capture the beauty and warmth of every family story.

With more than 10 years of photography experience, Tracy Gabbard is published on photography blogs such as, Best Newborn and Maternity Photographers, Lemonade and Lenses, Evoking you,, and the National Association for Professional Child Photographers.

Contact Tracy (Tampa Newborn Photographer)



23 Colorful Baby Photography Sessions! #4 Is Too Perfectly Aligned!

Mondays are busy, fast paced and usually stressful, today we want to bring you something different to enlighten your evening. Tracy is a well known photographer in the Tampa bay area and she specializes in high end photography for families, couples and children, specially those who are waiting for that sweet and loving new family member to arrive. 

Tracy loves white and clean canvases, her style is predominant in almost every picture. But today is different, today we want to bring you a compilation of the times when Tracy and the families decided to break the mold and add lots of color, creativity and personality to the session, and the results are breathtaking. 

Every photograph tells a story, every family has something special to share with the world, and Tracy helps them pick something that resembles either the baby’s personality (If it’s a photo session about the little ones) or the family values and hobbies (like maternity sessions). Whether is it a sport, a comic or movie character, a reference from animated cartoons, or simply by filling the frame with powerful, warm and expressive colors, utilizing different materials that show the contrast between the baby skin and the textile material or simply to express warmth and personality. 

Tracy and the families get out of the studio for a wild adventure to visit the beautiful natural locations that Tampa Bay offers, there are plenty of beautiful parks and places that are family friendly and perfect to capture some impressive photographs. Also, bringing special toys and objects to represent certain interests in the family such as sports and devotion for books or movies are a very popular and creative way to make the little ones look incredible. Definitely the best memories in their first years of life.

Contact Tracy today and request a free appointment, she will be more than happy to answer your questions and help you capture those very much cherished moments in life.

Contact Tracy (Tampa Newborn Photographer)

Expressions Captured In Every Photo Session + The Cutest Photos

Today we have a special article and it’s totally focused on the beauty of expressions. Babies can be very expressive and their personalities show through every picture. Tracy is a photographer in the Tampa Bay area and she is passionate about the little ones and their families. 

We gathered a few photos for you to enjoy and you will see how much a photograph can express. All babies are different and unique in their own way, some are very quiet and peaceful, others are more active and energetic, others are playful and curious and all of them are interesting and amazing to work with.

In the studio, Tracy and the families get together to create a plan for every session and discuss what they would love to see in the final result. She provides every family with high end products and featured prints that will keep the memories alive and can be hanged on the walls or kept as cherished photo albums. 

Take a look at every picture and if you look close enough, you will spot every different expression and you can almost feel and hear their moods. These are very valuable memories and definitely a fun time in the studio.

Tracy is passionate about creating wall art, legacy albums and personalized keepsakes for her families.  Although she believes digital files are important for archival purposes her mission is to guide you through the process of enjoying your treasures in your home and not on your computer.  That is why she will assist you at your gallery reveal to help you design the perfect products for your home.

Please contact Tracy to start planning your investment in photography and an ideal session with her. 

Contact Tracy (Tampa Newborn Photographer)

You’ll love these Beach Maternity Photos but #15 will Steal Your Heart!

This family decided to break the routine and get outdoors with one of the top photographers in Tampa Bay; Tracy Gabbard.

This maternity session was so much fun with such a sweet family. They were so excited to meet their new baby but started early so they could capture the beauty of pregnancy. It was a beautiful day with just the perfect weather. All the way to the sunset, they went for a walk and found really beautiful spots for their photo session. 

Beach maternity sessions create the most precious memories from that special time in their lives, they were so much fun to work with and laughed through the entire session in such a positive photo shoot. Tracy was very excited to capture all their emotions and the love between them.

The beginning of a new chapter in your life is always one filled with joy, excitement and most of all, anticipation.  With the arrival of a new baby, chances are, you will spend hundreds, even thousands of dollars on baby furniture, clothes, and even toys.  And while many of these things are necessary, almost all of them will at some point be re-sold, given away or even tossed in the trash.  What will you keep forever?  The priceless images you invested in throughout the years your baby grows.  Professional, timeless, quality images are not something to be taken lightly.  These will be your memories that will be passed down and valued for your lifetime and your baby’s.

Don’t miss your opportunity to capture these beautiful memories for your family, contact Tracy’s studio today for a free consultation.

Tracy also provides photography services in the studio and offers a variety of packages for families, newborns, babies, children, and families, including her First Year Plan which captures the first milestones of the first year of a baby.  

Contact Tracy (Tampa Newborn Photographer)

7 Puppies Invade One Of The Top Best Tampa Photographers!

Tracy is a Tampa Photographer that focus her majority of her work on Babies, Newborns and Families but today was an extra busy day at the studio! 6 beautiful Golden Retriever Puppies are much like toddlers… Absolutely adorable but always on the move! All of them are fluffy and playful and they love everything! It was soooo much fun to have this special photo session with all of them! The only time they were all together in one place was at the very end of the session when they were totally exhausted from all the play time and they all fell asleep. Again, just like a toddler! LOL!

They all have different personalities it was very fun to admire their behavior, who was curious, more laid back, calm, and active. 

Take a look at this special session, these adorable puppies were only 6 weeks old and they already have a new home. We just want to brighten your day, scroll down to see more! There puppies are incredibly adorable, it’s a guaranteed “awww” for everyone. We even got the mother to be present and it was too cute. 

After directing and owning her own preschool for more than 10 years, she found herself still wanting to continue to work with pre-school age children. As she began to capture the precious beginnings   of her newborn son, she quickly fell in love with photography. Nearly 12 years later, her passion as continued to grow in learning and perfecting her craft of Newborn and Family portrait photography.

As a Professional Tampa Photographer, Tracy’s main goal is getting to know her all about her clients and helping make their photography vision a reality. Many of Tracy’s clients would describe their relationship as one of a close friend who their children enjoy seeing every time they come to visit. With her genuine care and concern for you and your family, Tracy provides a friendly, and fun experience during each 

Contact Tracy (Tampa Newborn Photographer)



The Beauty Of Pregnancy

One of the most beautiful stages in the cycle of life: Maternity.

When two humans decide to become one and fusion their love and passion into a new soul, bringing a fresh, beautiful and young creature to the world we live in. 

This beautiful family joined Tracy at her studio to capture the magic that takes place before the new family member arrives.

Deeply in love, they showed their most romantic poses in front of the camera and captured one of the most important moments in their lives.

She feels happy and excited, waiting for her baby to join the family. It’s one of those experiences that can only be explained once gone through it. The majestic gift of maternity.

Mother and daughter don’t hesitate to show love and affection, proving that their bond is strongest than ever.

Even before being born, it has been proven that babies can feel their parent’s vibes and emotions, so parents can start showing their love and even talk to them from the very earliest stages in life.

Love is a beautiful bond to celebrate. For those who find their other half and that person who compliments their lives, we invite you to come into Tracy’s studio and capture that magic. It is special and you can make it last forever.

This plan is exclusive to the Tampa Bay area and provides families with priceless memories during that treasured first year. Everyone knows how fast that first-year flys by. The New Beginnings Plan makes it easy to capture those precious milestones during that first year. It is exhilarating, amazing, exhausting but yet cherished and wonderful. The New Beginnings Plan makes it easy to capture those precious first milestones during the first year.

This plan puts families on VIP status guaranteeing sessions to capture the precious newborn stage (between 5-14 days of birth), the sitting up/crawling milestones (usually between 7-9 months) and the very important first birthday session (during child’s birthday month).

Please contact Tracy to start planning your investment in photography and an ideal session with her. 

Top Reasons Why Summer Is The Best Time Of The Year To Invest On Photography

It’s that time of the year to get your summer dresses on! 

Summer is for many reasons the best time of the year. It’s warm outside, the school vacation, and the endless fun. You are able to enjoy the warm weather because it’s the perfect atmosphere to do outdoor activities.

During summer, you’re free to do whatever you want, not worrying about curfew or waking up early for school.

Summertime is a great time to relax with friends and family by soaking up the sun at a beach or simply having dinner together, it is also the best time of the year to take beautiful pictures at the park and around nature in general.

I love the hot and humid days that makes you want to dive into a fresh and cold pool. When summertime starts, you can wear lighter clothes, which are much more comfortable. 

And even if you really don’t like the summer, you can always join Tracy at her wonderful studio, where you don’t really have to deal with the sun and the warm weather, but you can still enjoy a summer themed photoshoot if you like.

Tracy is passionate about creating wall art, legacy albums and personalized keepsakes for her families.  Although she believes digital files are important for archival purposes her mission is to guide you through the process of enjoying your treasures in your home and not on your computer.  That is why she will assist you at your gallery reveal to help you design the perfect products for your home.  Individual products start at 150.00 and the average client invests around 750.00 to 3500.00 on their forever keepsakes. 

Please contact Tracy to start planning your investment in photography and an ideal session with her. 



OMG! Puppies Galore!

Puppies Photography

TEN puppies in the studio!  It was SO much fun to play with these little ones and doing puppies photography in the studio!  We had a great time watching them try to sit and walk.  I LOVE how all their eyes look so blue and they absolutely LOVED to snuggle with each other!  They continuously would dig their little heads into each other so they could snuggle, stay warm and sleep.   I was even able to use some of my newborn session tricks to get them all to sleep at one time. 🙂 . There were lots of hands on deck to help corral them all together and keep them comfy. 

In this litter of puppies there were 4 sets of twins and 5 boys and 5 girls.  A perfect littler!  I love the second picture as the middle puppy yawns and the other one tries to eat it’s siblings ear.  There were so many fun pictures to post it was hard to decide but here is a few of my favorites.  They will all make you smile.

Very similar to newborn sessions

This session was similar to an actual newborn session.  We kept the studio warm, tried to keep quiet, relaxed the puppies by rubbing their little noses right between the eyes and evened “shushed” them a few times with the “shhhhh” noise.  If you have ever had a newborn session with me, you know those are all things I do with the babies to keep them sleepy and relaxed.  

I thought it would be fun this summer to photograph a few other things that I love besides all my babies and toddlers. And, of course puppies was at the top of the list!  I had a great response to my shout out for a litter of puppies and it looks like I may have another set at the end of July.  There might be some other baby animals in store for fun this summer also so make sure to keep your eyes on social media and the blog!  

Puppies Photography - blog by Tracy Gabbard Photography, TGP   Puppies Photography - blog by Tracy Gabbard Photography, TGP

Puppies Photography - blog by Tracy Gabbard Photography, TGPPuppies Photography - blog by Tracy Gabbard Photography, TGP  Puppies Photography - blog by Tracy Gabbard Photography, TGP Puppies Photography - blog by Tracy Gabbard Photography, TGP Puppies Photography - blog by Tracy Gabbard Photography, TGP Puppies Photography - blog by Tracy Gabbard Photography, TGP Puppies Photography - blog by Tracy Gabbard Photography, TGPPuppies Photography - blog by Tracy Gabbard Photography, TGP Puppies Photography - blog by Tracy Gabbard Photography, TGP

Puppies Photography – Something Different this Summer

Puppies Photography

Happy Summer to you all! I LOVE summer and to celebrate this happy season I want to do something fun and different! One of my favorite things (besides babies of course) is PUPPIES! So here comes Puppies Photography!!! I would LOVE to photograph a litter of puppies in the studio!

SO, if your dog is pregnant or you know someone who has a dog that is pregnant or you know a breeder that might be interested in booking a Puppies Photography session, let them know. If you or anyone interested in this fun opportunity can contact me via my Facebook page or by clicking and writing to me via contact me form!

I am happy to share a few pictures of our dog when she was a puppy! Feel free to share this on your page if you think one of your friends would be interested!

Puppies Photography - blog by Tracy Gabbard Photography, TGP
Puppies Photography – blog by Tracy Gabbard Photography, TGP

Limited Edition Mothers Day Sessions

Mothers Day Sessions!

They are finally here, the long awaited Limited Edition Mothers Day Sessions! I am so excited to see all the mamma’s, grandmamma’s and children and capture memories for them that will last forever. These sessions have been designed to be interactive and to capture sweet moments between mom’s and children. Moments that will be remembered through portraits that are looked at and enjoyed everyday.

These captured moments are meant to be professionally printed and proudly displayed for enjoyment. They are meant to make your heart “pitter patter” each time you walk by and look at them. They are to create keepsakes that will be passed down to children and grandchildren.They are special, they are priceless. They are for all ages from babies to grandma’s but they are for mom’s and children only. The goal is for all products ordered to be back in time for Mothers Day.Please don’t let this opportunity pass you by. If your babies are little you know how fast time goes and if your “babies” are big, you understand that even more!

Mothers Day Photo Session

Here’s how they work…

You will choose 2 dates.  One for the session itself (i.e. Saturday, March 24th) and the other one for your selection/viewing appt (there will not be any on line galleries).  At that selection/viewing appointment you will see all of your images from the session and you will order your products at that time as well.  You will be able to see all of the products offered at your actual session so you will have a good idea of what you would like from the session at your appt.  I will be there to guide you through the process and help you select the products that are right for you.  Click on Product Guide to view details.  There will be a few other products offered but these will be exclusive just for the Mothers Day Sessions. These will not be offered in the studio at any other time.

Limited Edition Mothers Day Photo Sessions

The set is designed to be light and airy with flowers and pastel colors.  Blues, yellows, purples and light greens would look great for boys and girls could easily wear the same!  Simple patterns or solids will show off your portraits best.  Email Tracy if you need more ideas or have questions about wardrobe.

The session will last about 20 minutes or so which is plenty of time to capture some sweet moments and classic portraits.  The viewing/selection appointments will be scheduled for an hour but will probably take around 30 minutes or so.  Registration is 189.00 and 50.00 will be applied back as a credit to your order at your selection appointment (as long as you order at that appointment).  If you have looked over the product guide and are ready to schedule your session, we are excited to have you and capture some very special moments!

For your Limited Edition Mothers Day Session click on Register.

Holiday Photos Mini Sessions 2016 are HERE!

This years theme is definitely one of my favorites and it twinkles with holiday celebration! This beautiful Holiday Lights set is perfect for families or just the kids and they will make gorgeous updated portraits, perfect holiday photos collection as well as cards and gifts for the season.  At this time, there are only 2 dates left.  Friday, October 21st and Friday, Nov. 4th.  The Saturday sessions are already filled with VIP clients that have scheduled mini sessions previously.  Friday spots are perfect for preschoolers and families with young children that are not in elementary school or older.

Holiday Photos Mini Sessions 2016

For more details on sessions and pricing click HERE…

Holiday Photos Mini Sessions 2016
Holiday Photos Mini Sessions 2016

Schedule your session for Friday, October 21st and save $15.00 on the session fee!  This is a “win win”- get your holiday portraits done early AND save money!

Ready to schedule your Holiday Photos Mini Session?  Click HERE to choose your date, time and make your secure payment!  Can’t wait to see you there!

Holiday Photos Mini Sessions 2016
Holiday Photos Mini Sessions 2016

A few days back one of my clients wrote on Facebook:
“We got to spend our morning with the EXTREMELY talented Tracy Gabbard at Tracy Gabbard Photography. She will be doing a mini session for Holiday pictures coming up soon! Go “Like” her page and message her to book your session. These photos are going to be AMAZING! I can’t wait to see them and Mommy even got to sit in on a couple!

“So wonderful! This mini session is going to be to DIE FOR! I hope she calls Tracy!

So sweet of her!