Loving this baby in the studio for her sitting up session… Had to put it on the blog because can you believe mom and dad don’t have Facebook to see their sneak peak! Good for them… Less time on their phones and computers! They are members of the popular New Beginnings Plan so I will be lucky enough to see them again in a few months for their 1 year session!
Who’s got the cutest hat?
Although I love to see all my babies hair or “lack of hair” 🙂 It is also fun to put cute hats and bonnets on them to. Some of my clients bring their own but I have many as well that I love to use. Babies of all ages look adorable in hats! I won’t lie, sometimes it is tricky to get the older babies to keep them on but I work with mom or dad to get it at least a couple of good portraits in their hats. We quickly try the “distract, drop and run” method and I click the shutter crossing our fingers for that perfect split second shot! Other babies don’t mind them at all. Either way, it is fun trying and as you can see they all look absolutely adorable!
Holiday Mini sessions 2015
A fun sneak peak of some of the holiday mini sessions happening over here at TGP! They are all completed now and galleries are almost ready to go out (some already have :))! These lucky clients will have their holiday cards done and ready to go soon! Can you imagine that… already completed that big task! I can NOT! LOL! I am lucky to get mine out by December 24th!
Holiday Mini Sessions 2015 (tampa photographer)
They are finally here and over half of them are already booked! This year’s holiday mini sessions are ONE OF A KIND. They will be classic, simple and beautiful. Perfect for families or just the kids they will make gorgeous updated portraits, cards and gifts. This unique twist on a winter wonderland will coordinate with any of your favorite colors and will be held on Saturday, Oct. 24th, Saturday, Nov. 7th and Friday, Nov. 13th. Sessions are only $79.00
Space is VERY limited as over half of the sessions are already sold out and have only just been released on Friday. For more information on the sessions, dates and pricing click HERE……
Save $15.00 on the session fee by scheduling your session on October 24th! This is a “win win”- get your holiday portraits done early AND save money! There are a VERY limited number of openings that day and some are already gone so schedule quickly!
Ready to schedule? Click HERE to choose your date, time and make your secure payment. Can’t wait to see you there!
Newborns and their big brothers and sisters
Brand New Big Brothers and Sisters in Studio (Tracy Gabbard Photography)
Photographing a newborn with a sibling (younger ones especially) is one of my favorite things in a newborn session! I will not lie, much of the time it takes A LOT of patience and MANY clicks of the camera to capture a handful of sweet sibling photos but once they are captured, there is nothing sweeter!!! What makes it so difficult to capture those precious moments? Well…. let me explain! First of all newborns are typically photographed with in the first 5-12 days of birth. Younger “big sisters or brothers” have just had their world rocked with a demanding baby! After those first couple days when the newness of the baby has worn off for them, they often want NOTHING to do with this alien that just invaded their world. Younger (preschool age) children can be difficult to photograph without the newness of a baby sibling SO throw that in the mix and you have a potentially challenging portion of the session. I LOVE when the siblings interact with the baby. These two below were “helping” cover the baby. Sometimes encouraging them to “help” is a good way to get them in the same spot for a quick photo!
Trying to get a newborn to stay asleep while getting a preschooler to cooperate and “pose” is not easy. Many times the best way to do this is to put the baby on something instead of having the sibling hold the baby. Often young children don’t feel comfortable holding their new baby anyway and it can be dangerous as they are unpredictable and may possibly get up without warning and leave the baby. I always have moms and dads helping hands close by for the baby no matter if he or she is in the siblings arms or in a prop. Safety first, always!!!! That is not to say that it is impossible to get a preschooler to hold their new baby! It can be done but always safely on the floor and with adult arms close by to help.
And then there are always the “smiling” looking at the camera pictures” Those are classic and always favorites.
I often think it would be funny to record the sibling portion of a newborn session! With mom, dad and me working together to keep the older child in an area of the baby, and all of us acting silly trying to get them to look at the camera or bribing with little treats! Maybe one day I will try to capture that on video! 🙂
A Few First Birthday Smash Cake Photo Sessions
First Birthday – Tracy Gabbard Photography – When is it okay to dig in and really love all that messy cake? At their first birthday Smash Cake Photo Sessions. Listen for the laughter in their bright smiles and sparkling eyes. Look at these delightful birthday performers! This darling girl is dancing to the stars and the boys are birthday cake drummers. Each child looks as yummy as the cakes and I love frosting mustaches! You know what, this pink and blue cutie really did fall into the cake after that last picture. LOL!
Believe it or not! The soft blues and the tie perfectly fit in that one year old young man’s personality. I love how my camera could capture the exact way he approached things – when he first considered the cake with a solemn touch and when he was without his hat ready to dig in. The best picture is the one when he is looking at the camera with a solemn smile, covered in a frosting beard.
![First Birthday Smash Cake Photo Sessions](https://tracygabbard.com/site/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/smash-cake-brooks.jpg)
So sweet! (tampa baby photographer)
OMG!! Can I keep her? (Tampa Newborn Photographer)
Newborn Photographer – TGP Clearwater | Tampa
Look at that hair and those chunkers! She was super sweet and so snuggly for her session today. She LOVED being held (right up my alley! To bad I have to actually put them down to take their pictures! LOL!) and I loved snuggling her when she wasn’t modeling for her pictures! Mom is n’t on Facebook (yes, I know there are still a few left! :)) so giving her a quick peak of her session on the blog today! (tampa newborn photographer)
Prints vs Digitals part 2
So… if you read my last post about Prints vs Digitals then you know that I am sharing some thoughts, ideas and suggestions on this subject over the next few weeks. This time I am going to attempt to answer the questions of cost…. why digital files are more expensive and why printing through your photographer is more expensive than simply printing at local or non local printers.
First- why are digital files more expensive to purchase than prints? After all, it doesn’t cost the photographer any money to send me the file but it does cost to print it. The standard answer to that questions is value. The digital file is the photographers highest value product. That is because once the rights to the image are granted (in whatever capacity that may be) that image can be reproduced as many times and for as many people as the person with the rights to the image desires (this is not for commercial photography, that is a whole different ball game that I am not addressing, this is for family photography and the personal use of it). Now, some photographers put restrictions on sizes and different things in their releases but in all honesty, for the most part there is no good way to keep track of this (unless we raid your homes :)) so we can assume it will be printed and shared in whatever way the client desires. That makes the digital file the photographers most valuable product. And to address the fact that it doesn’t cost anything to the photographer to sell the digital files, well, yes it does. I personally pay a monthly fee to a service that will allow me to send large files over the internet as most average email servers will not allow this. AND there is a cost for the CD and/or thumb drive that the files may be put on depending on the collection that is purchased. AND it takes quite a bit of time to prep the files, upload them or burn them.
On the second question… why are prints so much less to print at a local printer (ie; Sams Club, CVS, etc…) than from the photographer? Well, again there are several reasons. First of all, in most cases the paper that the prints are printed on from those chain printing companies is not quite a nice of quality. Any of you that have received prints from your photographer vs prints from those type printers will should notice a difference. The professional labs that are often used with a professional photographers usually offer great service and will call if coloring looks off or cropping or there are any other issues with the files that are sent for print. They also have professional color labs that calibrate for accurate color (as long as the file that is being sent to them is good also). All that makes it more for the photographer to print as well. That is not to say that you can not get great looking prints, canvases or other items at chain store printers but there is a risk they may not look as good as what might come from your photographer. Also- it takes the photographer time (again, an expense to the client) to prep, size, upload, package and ship the prints to you. For example, when you order an 8×10 print from TGP that file is cropped to the proper size that you are ordering it in (that doesn’t happen at CVS), checked for coloring, and then care is taken to upload it to the printer, receive and check it from the printer so that you are receiving the highest quality print. Make sense?
So- I went to a long time clients home for a session not long ago and saw these canvases hanging in her home. She had these printed at Walgreens (I think)! Now, the quality of the canvas is not quite as good as what she would have received from TGP but honestly- they look great! I was shocked when she told me she had them printed there and happy for her! AND REALLY happy to see TGP art work hanging up (yes hanging up…. not just sitting on the computer!:)) in her home. Even though the are a little holiday looking! LOL! No worries… she has many other TGP prints hanging around and on shelves. Here is a picture of her holiday canvases printed at at a chain store.
I will say, she is lucky that they printed correctly. Canvas can be tricky as they wrap around the sides. All that must be accounted for when printing. When I print canvases for a client, I actually start from the original file, re edit and then crop and scale to the size the client wants measuring carefully not to wrap any important parts around the side of the canvas.
So- do you have any TGP artwork hanging in your home or are you guilty of storing all those amazing digital files on your computer (hang head in shame LOL!)? I would love to see it and may even feature it on a coming up blog post! Take a picture of it and email it to me at [email protected] Maybe you will inspire some of us guilty of storing our digital files instead of printing them to actually print and hang!!! 🙂
Yawning Newborn Photography
Yawning Newborn Photography – Tracy Gabbard Photography
I love capturing the moment when the baby yawns. Just stretching out, tired after making moms and dads tired, squinty eyes, settling in for a nap, …, I love being able to capture this on camera. Babies gave me the most adorable poses, just being themselves, innocent and peaceful 🙂
I take shots from different angles, making sure I get as many unique expressions on camera as I can, and it’s absolute pleasure what I can do with the little ones! That’s what I love about my work, knowing that it’s not just about today, but that it will be there many years later, bringing smiles to kids, parents, grandparents as they look back at these photographs!
Post Script:
“Yawn is a silent shout.” says Gilbert K Chesterton.
Newborn Quick Sneak Peak ( tampa newborn photographer)
So- there is this rare phenomenon called NOT being on social media! LOL! Well, this mommy is not on any of the social media outlets and lets face it, with a new baby, she doesn’t have much time for it anyway! So, she is getting her quick sneak peak here! Although we did use colors in her session I love the look of white on white and this baby looks amazing in white. Really showing off her olive skin tone. So I thought I would keep this theme going for her sneak peak! (tampa newborn photographer)
(tampa newborn photographer)
Prints vs Digitals part 1
Ahhhh… the ever challenging question for clients and photographers. I am sure that this question has been addressed in many blogs and articles over the years. But I am going to make a few blog posts over the next few weeks about prints vs digitals (and maybe some other things also) addressing many issues, good and bad. I want to chat about the costs of prints vs digital files, the technical side of purchasing digitals, ideas on what to do with your digitals (yes it will involve printing :)) and why you should or should not just purchase just the digital files. I will share pictures of my home and even other photographers ideas and posts on different things and thoughts and maybe even some clients’ homes that have some TGP art around their house. So I hope you follow me through this for a few weeks as I express some feelings, bring some things to “light” and explain some of the answers to questions that you may be thinking about. I am not organized enough to promise you a post on a certain day… you will just have to follow along as they come. I am going to be totally honest and I am not trying to sway you one way or the other. Just presenting the facts 🙂 as I see them at least!
So- back in the “old days” (really just a few short years ago) it was not even a question about digital files and printing rights. Photographers sold prints. That’s it. There was no question about which digital files to purchase. It was not even an option. However, as the world around us changes everyone wants digital images for many great reasons including preservation, sharing on the internet and social media, printing quantity prints yourself for lesser of a cost, etc…. These are all valid points and even I like to have the digital files from my sessions. HOWEVER, I think MANY of us (not all) still have those digital files sitting on the computer. They probably looked amazing on FB and you probably got the most comments EVER which is rewarding, I’ll admit BUT did you ever print them? Are they hanging on your walls? Are they framed sitting on shelves? Do you enjoy them around your home or office. I have a few large prints and canvases in my home and although not super current, every time I walk by a little smile sneaks out as I look at my “babies” and my family and my kids love looking at them as well. Here are couple iphone pics of some of the protraits I have hanging on my wall an on shelves. There are few more things as well but this is the majority. These are compliments of myself www.tracygabbard.com and one of my favorite photographers www.alycialalvarez.com (thank you Alycia, you will be happy to see some of your art work still hanging in my home! :))
But I am just as guilty as the next person… I have hard drives full of pictures of my kids and family that never get printed. It really does make me sad. I feel as overwhelmed as everyone else about what to do with the amazing pictures of my family. I will admit, it is easy to just buy the digitals. It is super easy, I don’t have to make any decisions right now. I can let them sit for years and never have to make any decisions about how to frame them, where to hang them, what size to print them in. I can put that off as LONG as I want to, forever even! That is a project I can put on hold and deal with later when I am not as busy (yea, right… not as busy! LOL!). But the consequences of just buying the digitals and not doing anything with them are real. We spend a lot of money to have our computers hold our pictures for us. We spend money on digitals that we hardly ever look at (well, maybe they pop up on our screen saver). We spend money on digitals that we will cherish forever but yet we never get to see them the way they were meant to be seen. I don’t know about you but I just don’t get the same feeling from the things that are actually hanging around my home and on the shelves. I mean, the plants on the shelves (fake of course) look nice but I don’t really ever get a warm feeling from them and the big screen TV on my wall, I like it and use it but it doesn’t make me smile each time I walk by. Even the “fine art” hanging above my fireplace (some abstract thing we picked up at a home show) looks nice but honestly, I don’t know the last time I even looked up at it and I certainly haven’t smiled at it… I don’t think ever. If I am true to myself I would definitely say that I wish I had some framed prints or canvases of my family in these places. Here are a couple pictures of the “cherished” (just kidding…. not really!) things I have around my home…..
I will forgive myself for this “crime against pictures” for now, but will I be able to forgive myself later? Not sure… I don’t know, those plants just don’t hold the same memories for me that my pictures do. So, I am not trying to convince you to purchase prints over digitals, I am not trying to tell you that you shouldn’t purchase the digitals and I am certainly not saying not to have plants or decorations in your home. I am simply saying that whether you purchase prints from your photographer or have your digitals printed and displayed, for your desk, for your shelves or for your walls is something you will NEVER regret! I have NEVER regretted the decision to hang portraits on my walls. I have regretted a few electronic devices that were not needed, clothing purchases that I ended up hating or never wearing, certain toys for my kiddos, the food purchases I make each week at the grocery store that ends up not eaten and thrown away and I am sure I could go on and on. I have made many regretful purchases in my life and probably will make more but I have never regretted spending money on pictures of my family and then actually hanging them up!!!
What will my next post be about?? Even I am not sure yet… but I have a list of things having to do with prints, digitals and custom photography to chat about and lots of thoughts to share. Feel free to share this with friends and family or anyone you think might be interested!!! See you soon….. 🙂
Tampa Maternity Photographer
(Tampa maternity session) LOVED this session (even though it was pouring rain and sooo dark in the studio!). This mommy to be was beautiful and although she couldn’t share this time with her husband they will have special memories of her beautiful belly bump! (tampa maternity photographer)
![Maternity Photographer](https://tracygabbard.com/site/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Untitled-1.jpg)
Clearwater Maternity Photographer
Beautiful in Blue – Photo Sessions at TGP Clearwater FL
Beautiful in Blue – Many times, I find it exciting to make newborn photo sessions, sitting up photo sessions, even family photo sessions with blue as the theme.
Blue is traditionally associated with boys but little girls do look great in blue! Look at that sweet young lady, ‘looking up’ down there. Doesn’t she appear wonderfully cute in her blue polka dots? What do you think about these babies in their stylish blue beds during their nap time? Oh my! I love staring at them. And, in that family photo, you can feel the close physical and emotional integration of the whole family wearing different shades of blue. I love them all so so much.
You, too, can create memories of your own like these at Tracy Gabbard Photography Studio, Clearwater. For more and latest photography visit frequently TGP at Facebook, or click on Contact.
Awake Newborns Photography by Tracy Gabbard
Awake Newborns Photography by Tracy Gabbard
As you probably know, through out a newborn session the goal is to keep the baby asleep but I must say, some of my favorite portraits of newborns is when they are awake! So I thought it would be fun to do a blog post on some of the moments when these precious babies are between sleep times.
I have a lot of fun letting the babies pose for me in their sleep but I also keep going during part of the awake time to capture those gorgeous newborn eyes! During the time they are awake, unless they are swaddled, they have no control over their arms and legs (called the moro reflex also called the startle reflex). But all this movement will make for some funny awake images!
I love my job and feel so lucky to be able to capture these special times for my clients. I have to say though… my favorite part of any newborn session is snuggle time when I get to hold them and maybe even feed them during a transition time during the session! This is when I really get to appreciate their innocence and their tinniest of features. Hope you enjoy some of these fun images that were captured during just a few of the many newborn sessions I have had the pleasure of photographing! Awake Newborns Photography. Tracy Gabbard Photographer, Clearwater, FL.
One Year Old Photography – Tampa, FL
(One year old photography – Tampa, FL) So this adorable rascal certainly enjoyed his cake in the studio! He was FULL of energy and happy smiles but his favorite part (besides the cake) was watching me chase him all over the studio! 🙂 The great thing about this session is that there will be another surprise that comes with it in the next couple weeks! I can’t wait to share that but for now here is a sneak peak into his one year session! For more and latest photo sessions frequently visit TGP on Facebook. (tampa one year old photography)
Tampa Studio Newborn Session – Sneak Peak
(tampa newborn photographer) It was such a pleasure to have this sweet baby in the studio! She was the perfect little model through her whole session. Even giving us some content awake time for a little bit. I love all the colors and props we were able to use for her session and taking her outside to use the swing was the icing on the cake. So many amazing studio sessions this month and last and SO much to share in the coming weeks! Keep visiting here and at Facebook page of TGP. (tampa newborn photographer)
One Year Old Session – Sneak Peak (Tampa Smash Cake Photographer)
One Year Old Cutie – Sneak Peak Photography Session by (Tampa cake smash photographer) This sweet little one’s favorite part of her session was FOR SURE her cake! Loved having her in the studio today! Sad she is now graduating from the New Beginnings Plan! For more and latest keep visiting TGP at Facebook page. (tampa cake smash photographer for one year old)
Don’t miss out on the opportunity to create precious memories of first birthday of your baby. This is the perfect time to capture that ever changing personality of your little toddler!
Summer Special – Free Maternity Photography Session
Summer Special – Maternity Photography Session by Tracy Gabbard Photography
Are you looking forward to welcoming your newborn ‘bundle of joy’ this June, July, August or September? Wow! here is your chance to get a complimentary mini maternity session in Tracy Gabbard’s Photography Studio!
Enroll in the popular New Beginnings Plan (NBP) that Tracy Gabbard Photography offers, or schedule a Newborn Photography Session for your baby, and receive a complimentary Mini Maternity Photography Session.
These days, these moments of your life are just so precious, you never want to forget. You want to treasure these. Capture these memories with Tracy Gabbard Photography’s Special Summer Promo!
The NBP is a special collection plan that includes newborn session, sitting-up session and first birthday session. That’s documenting the first year of your baby’s life! A newborn session is a once in a lifetime session that takes place with in the first 14 days of birth. You can learn more about the New Beginnings Plan here.
Contact Tracy for any questions and let this newborn photographer capture your exciting times for you.
Mommies, what are you waiting for? Click on the photo below to register now for one time Newborn Photography Session, or The New Beginnings Plan and get your Mini Maternity Photography Session FREE!
![Maternity-Photography-Session-TPG-Summer Special - 2015](https://tracygabbard.com/site/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Maternity-Photography-Session-TPG-Summer-2015.jpg)
Smashing Summer Special (smash cake photography)
Smash Cake Photography for one year olds. Check it out! The first ever TGP smash cake summer special! Do you have a little special someone that is turning ONE this summer (June, July or August) or do you know someone who does?
TGP is offering $100.00 savings on all one year old photo sessions this summer! The Smash Cake is the last part of the session and if you prefer to not do a smash cake at all that is fine also, we can skip that part :).
If you are interested please email Tracy to [email protected] or call the studio (727) 491-6476. (smash cake photography)
![Photo of Smashing Summer Special for Smash Cake Photography](https://tracygabbard.com/site/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/smash-cake-special-1.jpg)
“Pretty in Pink Child Photography Tampa
Child Photography Tampa by Tracy Gabbard – Today I picked a few pretty in pink photos. Look at these photos and tell me if you haven’t fallen in love with this newborn baby girl, one year old birthday girls, and all these elegant young little ladies. Don’t they all look stunningly pretty in pink? I relish the moments that we created making these memories.
Babies grow so fast that we don’t even notice it. But with a photograph that’s done by someone who specializes in child photography, families can always relive those moments — priceless moments that even money cannot buy. Capture these special moments with newborn photographer, child photographer and family photographer Tracy Gabbard.
Happy Mothers Day (tampa baby photographer)
(tampa baby photographer) I have the pleasure of photographing many mommies with their “babies” over the years and I am happy to share just a few of them over the last year or so. I am so thankful to these mommy’s for choosing Tracy Gabbard Photography to photograph the most special times in their lives. I wish I could post all the “mommy and me” portraits I have taken but I am going to spend some time with my “babies”! Thank you again to all of you! (tampa baby photographer)
Handsome Little Guy (Baby Photographer Tampa)
Baby Photographer Tampa I can’t even begin to describe how incredibly cute this little guy was in the studio. As a Baby Photographer in Tampa, I love seeing how big the babies have grown since their newborn session. This cutie had his newborn session done with Tracy Gabbard Photography and came back for his sitting up session. He loved interacting with the camera and gave some of the sweetest poses. Although he wasn’t crazy about keeping his hat on, I was even able to get a few kissy faces from him towards the end of his session. What a doll! Can’t wait for his First birthday session!! 🙂 Baby Photographer Tampa
Recent Session Edits! (Tampa Family Photographer)
Tampa Family Photographer I have had so many sessions lately at Tracy Gabbard Photography I thought it would be fun to share a quick peak from each in the order they are up for editing! Top to bottom shows the editing order from first to last. 🙂 Do you see your session up on the editing block in this bunch?! As a Tampa Family Photographer, I just love this first one as she is super excited too! 🙂 I can’t wait to get to all your sessions! Tampa Family Photographer
(Baby Photographer Tampa) Happy Baby girl!
Baby Photographer Tampa This super cute baby was so fun and playful during her session. As a Baby photographer in Tampa, it was so fun to see how much this little one had grown since I photographed her newborn session. Mom brown a shell prop that was used in her newborn session that we were able to use in this sitting up session. This super happy baby girl gave me so many smiles! We were even able to get sweet Mommy and me photos that I know Mom will treasure forever! Can’t wait to photograph her first birthday session! Baby Photographer Tampa
(Tampa First Birthday Photographer) Published!
Tampa First Birthday Photographer Great news! We’ve been published on NAPCP.com National Association for Professional Child Photographers blog 🙂 Woohoo! As a Tampa First Birthday Photographer, it is an honor to have an exclusive public feature on this blog! You won’t want to miss this session, Take a look at this adorable First Birthday session here. Tampa First Birthday Photographer
Star Wars Baby Boy (Newborn Photography Tampa)
Newborn Photography Tampa Hello Hello! As a professional in Newborn Photography Tampa, I’ve been super busy between new sessions, and remodeling the brand new website. But we’ve finally gotten a chance to post new sessions today on the blog!
Today’s special newborn baby boy is one of the cutest! This little guy gave us so many great sleepy poses!! He even was a champ during our Star Wars inspired poses. Some of these weren’t my typically my style, but it was fun to try something different for a change and help to make Mom’s dreams come true! This adorable newborn baby boy also had some super cute awake moments that just made my heart melt! Take a look! Newborn Photography Tampa
Big Sister and Baby Girl (Tampa Newborn Photographer)
Tampa Newborn Photographer I’m so excited to share with you all this super sweet newborn session. As a Tampa Newborn Photographer, I had so much photographing big sister (every since she was a newborn) but especially now with her newborn little sister on the scene! Can’t wait to photograph little sister when she starts crawling! This is one of my favorite families to photograph Tampa Newborn Photographer
Sweet Baby Girl (Tampa baby Photographer)
Tampa Baby Photographer Okay! So as a Tampa Baby Photographer, my schedule has been a bit busy lately but I’ve finally managed to get this cute little lady up on the blog! She was an adorable addition to the studio! With her cute kissy faces and super chunky baby rolls, this baby girl was nothing but precious! She’s grown so much since I photographed her newborn session! Can’t wait to celebrate her first year! Tampa Baby Photographer
Holiday Flash Back (Tampa Family Photographer)
Tampa Family Photographer WHOO HOO! Today is the day we get to look back at Christmas’ past and reflect on how much things have changed! As a Tampa family Photographer, it has been an HONOR and a BLESSING to photograph these family throughout the years! From our TGP family to yours we wish you a safe and Happy Holidays and a VERY Merry Christmas! Can’t wait to start off the New Year with you all! Tampa Family Photographer
Best of 2014 Newborns! (Tampa Newborn Photographer)
Tampa Newborn Photographer Flash Back Friday is back on the blog today as we continue with our Best of 2014 series! So excited to feature just a few of our TGP newborns on the blog today! As a Tampa Newborn Photographer, I loved this year of all the cute little noses, wrinkly toes, and SUPER sweet smiles. Love this Flashback Friday: Best of 2014! Take a look at the blog next week for our LAST Throwback Thursday of the year! You won’t want to miss it! Tampa Newborn Photographer
Pretty Little Lady (Tampa baby Photographer)
Tampa Baby Photographer This little lady was so good during her sitting up session in the studio! As a Tampa Baby Photographer, I loved that she was crawling around the studio and gave me such sweet smiles during this sitting up session! We had so much fun playing dress up at the beginning of the session with the pearls and fancy head pieces And the special white crocheted dress that this little lady wore at the end of her sitting up session was handmade by her grandmother! What a sweet keepsake for this precious little lady! Tampa Baby Photographer
Best of 2014 Cake Smash Sessions (Tampa First Birthday Photographer)
Tampa First Birthday Photographer Happy Flash Back Friday! Well, it’s that time of year again! As we look back on all the great memories of 2014, I’d like to make a tribute to the best (and some of the funniest) cake smash sessions of 2014. As a Tampa 1st Birthday Photographer, it has been such an honor to capture the first birthdays of these wonderful little one-year-old babies
Hope you enjoy these as much as I did!
And be sure to stay tuned for the Best of 2014 for next Flash Back Friday! Tampa First Birthday Photographer
Sweet Newborn Boy and Big Brother (Tampa Newborn Photographer)
Tampa Newborn Photographer This recent session had so many funny and sweet moments! After bribing big brother with a few gold fish crackers and the fun wagon prop, we were able to get him near his newborn baby brother! As a Tampa Newborn Photographer, I loved some of the facial expressions that we were able to capture as Big Brother interacted with baby brother. When on his own, this little guy slept like a champ and was super fun to play with all throughout the session! He even gave me a smile or two! Take a look Tampa Newborn Photographer