Tag Archives: baby feet

3 Caring Tips For Your Baby’s Feet Plus The Cutest Tiny Feet Close Ups!

As humans, one of our most important assets in life are our feet. We start from the beginning, crawling and sitting up until we are able to start walking and taking steps in life. And most of us are lucky to have two legs and two feet. Today we are grateful for that and we want to show you how beautiful these close ups can be and on top of that, some tips to keep your baby’s feet healthy!

According to the American Pediatric Medical Association (APMA), by the time we reach 65, she will have walked more than 100,000 miles. That’s why it’s important to take your baby’s feet care as a priority. Start them off on the right foot (literally) by taking proper care of their little feet and understanding the possible problems that can affect them.

Here are some tips to take proper care of their beautiful tiny feet from the beginning.

  1. Your baby’s new feet may be blue, wrinkled, and peeling like much of the rest of his body after nine months in a cocoon of protective fluid. Be assured, however, that his feet will recover the normal tone and fill out as soon as he gets warm.
  2. Before they take their first steps, babies need to develop proper strength in their legs to carry their own body weight, as well as the confidence to stand on their own two feet. While many parents look to the first birthday as the target date for this major milestone, the average age when children begin walking closer to 12 to 15 months.
  3. It can be very difficult to resist the temptation to put cute little shoes on your baby’s feet, but they can be an obstruction to growing feet properly. Shoes that are too restrictive don’t allow for normal toe and foot motion.

And of course, Tracy will be more than happy to invite you to her Studio in the Tampa Bay area for beautiful sessions where you will be able to capture your child’s feet while they are still tiny and fuzzy. Don’t miss this opportunity, contact us now for a free appointment for more information about Tracy’s Photography services.

Contact Tracy (Tampa Newborn Photographer)