Tag Archives: girls

“Pretty in Pink Child Photography Tampa

Child Photography Tampa by Tracy Gabbard – Today I picked a few pretty in pink photos. Look at these photos and tell me if you haven’t fallen in love with this newborn baby girl, one year old birthday girls, and all these elegant young little ladies. Don’t they all look stunningly pretty in pink? I relish the moments that we created making these memories.

Babies grow so fast that we don’t even notice it. But with a photograph that’s done by someone who specializes in child photography, families can always relive those moments — priceless moments that even money cannot buy. Capture these special moments with newborn photographer, child photographer and family photographer Tracy Gabbard. Pretty in pink, Newborn Child Photography Tampa

Pretty in Pink, Child photography Tampa

Pretty in Pink, Child photography Tampa

"Pretty in Pink" Child Photography Tampa


Pretty in Pink, Child photography Tampa